
Plein Air Painting Locations - Kona Coast


I have a workable web site with photographs of the West Hawaii Plein Air Painters favorite painting sites on the Kona Coast as well as connections to Google maps for each.

Please visit at:

If you find any missing links or problems let me know.  This is a work in progress and I’ll be adding more photographs and more sites from all parts of the island – so if you’re from anywhere else then here, I hope this will be some value in picking a painting site and getting there.  I’ll also be adding some of my paintings to the site specific albums – might be fun.

Aloha nui loa,




The rhymes will get worse - i guarantee it.  Many more umbrella paintings to come.

SKOILS are SKetches in OILS, painted in one go (ala prima) and completed in about 45 minutes on loose canvas - 9x12 size (because that's half of a full sheet of loose canvas).

magic sands morning umbrella - plein air skoil - 9x6

magic sands morning umbrella - plein air skoil - 9x6

holding firm - hapuna - plein air skoil - 9x6

None of these are on display yet, so, I'll keep you informed - maybe a future show?


SKOILS are SKetches in OILS, painted in one go (ala prima) and completed in about 45 minutes on loose canvas - 9x12 size (because that's half of a full sheet of loose canvas).  - lots of fun and lots of nice clouds lately:

hualalai morning clouds - plein air skoil - 9x6

late morning west - plein air skoil - 9x6

These paintings haven't been shown anywhere yet - I'll let you know when and where.


SKOILS - sketches in oils

I'm developing some quick oils sketching techniques -  I've done a few - usually about 45 minutes long - hope you like them.   SKOILS are SKetches in OILS, painted in one go (ala prima) and completed in about 45 minutes on loose canvas - 9x12 size (because that's half of a full sheet of loose canvas).

clouds studies, starting to rain at Honls:

morning calm - plein air skoil - 9x6

late morning clearing - plein air skoil - 9x6

Nice to have a day with some sky character - usually we're stuck painting that beautiful clear blue tropical stuff.  With the skoils my palette is three warm primary colors and three cool primaries with white and black (which i haven't yet seen the need for - the black, that is).  Not a perfect touristy type day, light dusting of rain, grey to dark sky, and a sea as calm as glass.  Wonderful day with 6 others and no one expected the pastel contingent to show up.

Paint the Wind

Visit the painting at my website here:  Paint the Wind